I bought a new CMC when I bought the upgraded clutch and flywheel on Joe's (Z-Speed) recommendation. The CMC's are known to be weak and it's recommended to replace them when going through the trouble of installing the clutch.
Anyhow, the clutch was one of the only things I paid for someone else to install for me. It was done by a well known shop in Toronto (1.5-2 hr drive away). I explained to them that I wanted everything installed including the CMC. When I picked the car up the next day I found they didn't install the CMC. Within two blocks of leaving the shop my clutch pedal went to the floor and woulnd't come back. At this point I called the shop from the highway, no answer, so I drove home. Note- The clutch install was done on the last day that my car was insured before winter storage.
Of course I'm slightly pissed and once I'm home I decide to crack the hardline to the CMC because I knew the shop didn't do that. I was able to get air out of the system and the clutch felt ok. The car is now parked for winter.
Fast forward to spring. We drive down to R/T Tuning. Everything was fine until we pulled into the hotel parking lot. I could not get the car into reverse. I had trouble getting it into any gear. Finally I was able to get a gear and parked for the night. The next morning the clutch felt ok. I could select gears with ease. Once at R/T Tuning I mention the problem and ask them to bleed the clutch system for me. Well... the had some dyno issues that day and tuning my car turned into a full day project when It should have been ~3 hours and the guys still needed to install a built motor into a 350z (also with a Boosted Performance turbo kit) that night for another customer coming from Canada the next day.

Needless to say, my clutch didn't get bled.
... We made it home with no issues other than a slight problem getting into gear the odd time (from a stop I might add, gear selection was ok while moving). To R/T Tuning's credit, they did call my house to make sure we made it home and that everything with the tune/car was ok.
A couple of weeks after returning from the trip to PA I got the chance to get under the car to check for leaks and make sure the hoses were run in a satisfactory way, basically double check my turbo install. Once I determined that was ok I went for a test drive. The clutch felt good until things got hot. I played with the setting on my RJM Performance Clutch assembly and was able to rule that out. I also contacted Joe at Z-Speed and explained the issue to him. He said bleed the system, if the top of the clutch pedal feels soft after bleeding I'll need to replace the CMC.
Ok, still with me?
Sunday I bled the system, went for a test drive. Initial thoughts were, it's ok but not great... time to replace the CMC. Today I decided to drive the car to work. The pedal firmed up and I was able to make it to work and back without any issues. Where before the problem would be obvious by the time I got to work.
So... As of now, I'm going to put a few miles on the car.