This morning I dropped my car off to the local Nissan garage. They are looking at my front left shock because I may have blown it up from a minor accident back in December.
About 30min ago I received a text from my brother with an attached picture showing two of the service techs getting into my car with a bag of Burger King and Drinks. When they took off they hauled a$$ onto the main road.
When I pick up my car today I am going to get in my car and then get back out of the car. Then I'm going to talk to the Service Manager asking why my car smells like "Burger and Onion". He will then have a choice to either deal with the situation or dig a big f'n hole.
Needless to say I'm rather pist off right now. Yes, I have taken food in my car and Yes I have driven my car fast. Point blank: It is NOT their damn car to joy ride.
I'm curious how you guys/gals would handle the situation?