Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
So here's the thing. I'm NOT (read: NOT) looking for what the best coil over is. I've gone through the search feature. I'm just not familiar with the rest of the parts that go along with the suspension. Seriously did you guys even read my first post?
I'm aware of the theory of how toe and camber affect drivability and the dynamics of the car, just not familiar with the parts necessary to control those specific characteristics. Trust me, I have done my research and am still reading up on the topic. If you think saying some bullsh*t like "best option is not to touch the suspension" is, as you say "pointing me in the right direction" then you're seriously misguided in your attempt to "help". You guys just all seem to be answering questions that I'm not asking.
cv129's post regarding SPL's latest front control arm was help ful and it was a thread that I was already aware of because, like I said, I have been searching. What I was hoping for by starting this thread was that more people with experience with these parts might offer some explaination because not a whole lot of people ask about these suspension components specifically.
I read your post and I am giving you this link here:
Wheel Alignment Explained - What is camber, caster and toe? - Yospeed
This is why I ask you to do HOMEWORK...!!! I found this on google..!! Read it and you know what is Camber, Toe and Caster.
google "what is camber" and there's 6,490,000 results
"what is caster" has 22,500,000 results.
this is why I say you don't need to start a thread asking "what is camber, toe and caster"
Not that I don't want to help but...... oh well..... whatever......
Only thing I can help is paste the link here FOR YOU then you can do the reading and try to understand what is their relationship.
I know what is camber, caster and toe, because I did a search and read through those articles....