So i took the Z last night out for dinner to a resturant that has Valet service but is on the corner of a busy street. I put it in Valet mode and handed over the key fob. I listened for the "pop pop pop" of the exhaust when he was leaving but didnt hear anything. After finishing dinner I give a different kid my ticket and he goes running off.
Now mind you since this is a busy street they park it down around the corner in a garage.
My girlfriend and I are waiting and i suddenly here "VRRRM POP POP POP"...pause..."VRRM POP POP POP"...pause, coming from the alleyway. I ask the valet at the box if there is a problem and he says he'll look. A few mins later the first valet that took my ticket came around the corner and said "i think your car has an exhaust leak or something cause it wont drive." I give him a WTF look and say "wont drive??!" he takes me to the car, while its still running in the alley

, I ask him what he did and he tells me "i didnt do anything i just drove it from the garage!" I tell the valet "dude really?!" and call for my girlfriend to get in the car. while he is opening the door for her i pop in the secret/magic code

and start heading out of the alley pulling onto the street and taking off to beat the coming traffic. I could see the valet standing at the corner staring and talking to his buddy like wtf just happened!

dude was sweating bullets it was awesome!
I tipped him $5 before he got the car so is to not stiff him over my messing with his mind