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Old 05-04-2013, 06:36 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by luigi90210 View Post
iirc your friend having the kit doesnt mean you have the kit now does it?

if thats the definition of first hand then i must have first hand experience with the alpha 12 GTR, the stillen kits, turbo hondas, muscle cars and modding supras because my friends have those cars and i am always around them...

now im not doubting your friends experience, but out of everyone i have met and talked to either on the internet and in person at car meets, they have loved the kit and had no regrets about buying it, and in fact my uncle has the stage 4 stillen supercharger on his G35 and his car has been pushing strong since he installed it and if you want to stay away from stillen because of your friends experience then more power to you, but dont go around saying the kit sucks, the design sucks(seriously i dont get how the kit is designed poorly, its designed like any other OEM system which is draw through and not blow through like after market systems) when you don't even have it installed on your car

oh there is a whole lot more to modding then numbers, sure a 800whp big single turbo supra sounds amazing, but in all reality that car is not a good street car(because its all top end), there is a difference between a good track car and a good street car

A good track car needs better top end because you are never down low while on a track(besides starting), while a good street car needs lots of down low torque and the way i look at it is, you can have a dyno queen and talk numbers all day long, or you can have a car that makes less power up top but more power down low where most people need it

now im not saying the GTM kit sucks and the stillen kit rules or twin turbo 370zs suck, or single turbo 370zs suck as i dont have first hand experience with either kit but to say the stillen kit(or even the GTM kit for that matter) sucks when you never had the kit installed is not right, thats like saying verizon sucks, tmobile rules when you have been on sprint your whole life

Like you said, take it as a grain of salt. Even if I was in the same senario as my friend and said the exact same thing, you would still come off saying I don't have experience. I see the car just as much as my own Z lol, iv driven it more times then I can count. My opinion stands that the Stillen kit sucks. If you don't like my opinion, then simply don't comment back your the one derailing the thread by throwing out different types of cars and other companies while your the one that said not to start it in the first place haha. This is why I don't like commenting on here because when I give my opinion, everyone gets all but thirst when what I'm saying pertains to them. No one has to listen or take what I say to heart. So what your saying is that I cannot comment on ANYTHING that i don't personally have? I really didnt read anything you wrote but I'm guessing you have the Stillen kit since your defending it so much? If not then you are not allowed to talk about it because your opinion doesn't matter. You also can't talk about other cars because you do not own them. Lol that's basically what your telling me. Durrr durrr durrr
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