Originally Posted by SmokeEater27
I stared at my car today and shed a tear or two, About an hour ago I walked out of my bank to go to lunch and what do i see sticking out like a sore thumb..the Dreaded Pollen droppings on my PW paint  needless to say I ran back into my job and grabbed things to clean it quickly and i cleaned off all except one which has left the pollen stain on the paint (not too big probably the size of a pencil eraser circumfrance wise but big enough to make my slight OCD tendecies go bizerk) all i can think about is cleaning it and getting rid of the stain later, hopefully customers accounts dont pay the price of my distraction  ...but on that note t.g.i.f
Get the crying towel ready. Love Bug season's back. Thousands of those nasty critters are ready to destroy everyones paint job.