Originally Posted by Haboob
Windshield wipers? We have those? I just drive faster...
When I clay and then treat the windshield with Rain-X, they're almost unnecessary
Originally Posted by ZMan8
 I don't use even use windshield washer fluid ever. It's full from when I bought the car. 
My wife's Acura is a lease we got in July 2012. It's been in the dealer nearly a dozen time for everything from the free car wash/detail they offer to an oil change to accident repairs. She ran out of washer fluid last month...

I suspect it wasn't even full to begin with, and I'm sure they never topped it off per what they claim are standard procedures. So I called the dealer and asked why it was out of fluid when I've taken the car into them numerous times in less than a year. I got a bunch of stuttering in response before the manager finally came on the phone and told me the next two oil changes would be free. Dealers piss me off even when they make $hit right