Originally Posted by G37sHKS
What do you mean by boost by gear?
EcuTek have build in boost controller?
User defined tables and proper sensors can allow this. Basically the tuner creates a new table to define boost based on what gear you're in. They also have to "retask" ECU sensor inputs/outputs.
Originally Posted by O&G
Seeing as there isn't a boost input for the factory ecu there will have to be some sort of adapter/piggyback unit....... I think. 
Ecutek allows for "retasking" ECU inputs and outputs. Basically all the emissions sensor and crap can be disconnected and then new sensors tied in to those inputs. It pretty f'ing awesome if you ask me.
Originally Posted by G37sHKS
Can somebody elaborate flex fuel future for me please?
Basically an ethanol to gas ratio sensor can be tied in and then custom tables created to adjust engine parameters based on what % ethanol is in the tank.
Obviously there's a lot of "smart person" stuff that has to be done in the ecutek software to make any of these things work but that's where someone like Visconti comes in.