Originally Posted by diddy535
It's just going to take time. Right now there's really not enough vendors running ecutek and apparently it doesn't work on every ECU version that we even have.
This guy can post all the dyno maps he wants but seriously that still won't be enough for most people. It's going to take forum members, who already had uprev, going and testing the waters or a bigger reputable (as in reputable on this particular forum) tuner like Z1 showing differences between the two. It's expensive to do all that and unreasonable to expect anyone to do it but let's be honest - that's really what we're all waiting for.
It's not that it doesn't work. ECUtek just doesn't have all the various Z base maps in their software. From what I can tell, they don't have my 2011 US 6MT yet, but I am going to visit the tuner this weekend where they will get all of the information from my car, send it to ECUtek, who will then update their software (they claim this process generally takes less than a week). After that, the tuner has everything he needs for tuning my Z

And there's always a chance that some other Z in the same category has already given their info to ECUtek, making my car ready for tuning when I show up this weekend. Not getting my hopes up, though. I know this is going to be a process.
Exactly! Excellent points

This $hit is new. The tuners are excited and I haven't seen them claim anything outrageous, so no reason to dog them - they claim gains and they claim they unlock more than UpRev giving potential for more gains. I don't understand how you can get mad at them for saying this stuff. As diddy said, it will take someone spending a bunch of $$$ to satisfy a bunch of you. If you don't want to be a guinea pig, then you'll have to wait for someone to post their experience. Now I'm in the very fortunate position of not having spent a lot of money on an UpRev tune already, and having a nearby tuner for which to be a guinea pig. Those of you with UpRev will either need to be one of the first and see for yourself, or wait for someone else. There are absolutely people that will do this. Just be patient.