Originally Posted by edconline
Laser guided cruise control in cars is becoming more common and this will trigger the alarm. Some lane departure warning systems and parking sensors use laser too. Standing water on the road would reflect these systems further towards your car I have no doubt. Mine has never gone off that many times though, maybe 3-4 times in one drive was the max. Something else may be going on with yours.
Yeah, I hate those things. But it's not any one particular car that I was next to. I just wish I could turn the laser off the same way I can run with X band off.
Originally Posted by Z1NONLY
10 seconds and a LEO will KNOW you are messing with him/her.
I try to kill the jammer in 3 seconds or less. I have used most of the LIDAR guns out there and it's not that uncommon to have some cars take a few seconds for a reading. 10 seconds never happens unless the car is running countermeasures.
It's best to draw no extra attention.
Stealth is your friend.

I don't even run with the jammers on because of the potential time it takes to turn it off. There's no "on/off" switch. You gotta go into the settings and push a bunch of buttons. I just have them set to passive detection.
Originally Posted by edconline
Are most of you running this equipment where it isn't allowed or something? For all I care ill let it jam all day. If I got pulled over and he said I couldn't get your speed or it was delayed, I'd reply 'ya, that's cause I have a ZR4 laser shifter, good to know it's working... Even though I wasn't speeding  '
It's all totally legal to have and use here.
Must be nice up there north of the border...