I would have agreed with this post a while ago. However, I have since learned to just skip over certain peoples posts/threads. My experience here has been much more enjoyable since I have ignored the elitist pricks.
I am in no way saying they don't know their ****. They do, they really do. But if you can't pass information along, then you are pretty ******* useless on this forum. There are two sources of value, IMO, on this forum. These are information, and friendship(Or at least someone who will appreciate what you have done to your car). By being an elitist prick, you offer neither of these.
I'm not really sure why you wouldn't recommend a Nissan to your friends though. I'm still having a blast in my car. Feels like a brand new car every time I drive it. I am still very much in love with my Z.
I think if you just learn to avoid certain people and certain posts you will find your experience much more enjoyable here. I also try to pass on the limited knowledge I have retained here to new people. Or to jump to the rescue when someone asks about Lambo doors. It really is about what they want, and not what you want. I, like them, wanted badly to fit into the elitist community here, but I found better people on here that I like more. I used to hound on people for asking those types of questions because I wanted to fit in pretty bad. BTW, if you didn't know, this community is VERY hard to get into. It is NOT newbie friendly. But I realized that fitting in with these people is impossible for me because I'm not like them. I didn't like being a prick to new people who ask sorta dumb questions. I like answering those questions and helping them. DE is one of the guys who I really enjoy conversing in a thread with.
I am a demon bolt slayer.
Last edited by Gauge; 05-01-2013 at 01:42 PM.