Headlights: $300+shipping. These head lights have been opened and resealed sloppily (what i mean by that is that it doesnt look to pretty). Water rarely leaks in but when it does it goes away in just a few hours. Everything inside was painted black and there was an iron man LED modification done. Unfortunately 2 of the LEDs in the ironman modification are burnt out. Also, the lenses have some light damage from the previous owner. It is noticeable from a foot away, but anything farther it isnt bad. These do not come with ballasts, bulbs, or any wiring besides for the ironamn wiring. I can include the HID bulbs for an additional 50 bucks.
I am open to
offers and
trades, but please make them reasonable. I can get better pictures if someone is interested in seeing something specific. I will drive up to 200 miles, if you pay for gas. Thanks!
I am looking to trade for HFCs, TPs, Headers, or a carbon fiber hood plus cash on my side. Let me know!






