Originally Posted by XwChriswX
I'm just a competitive person.  I love racing. My problem with AutoX is more my inability to learn the course than anything.  I know you walk it, and see 20 other cars do it, but for me, not having the solid lines and barriers to mark turns makes it difficult @ speed. That's why I like track runs. I would be up to do an AutoX event if we could get one for all of us?
I just want to learn, and wherever the knowledge comes from I'm thankful.
You are thinking to much into it tho... the speed is low. You really dont go that fast. they put out plenty of cones, and after one or two runs you basically know what to do.
And if you want to be competitive, keep in mind that outside of your local group here, you will probubly be demolished by the people who normally go to these things (we all would).
And worst case... you take out a cone... oh well...