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Old 04-30-2013, 09:18 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Default yupppp noooo

Originally Posted by ocfoilist View Post
I have an '09 and updated my maps last year to the 2012 version. You have to first purchase it online and then take the code they give you in to the dealer. Then the dealer does the install for you based on their own installation software tools.

When I first took my car in they had it sitting in the back for 2 hours while I waited. I kept checking on it and noticed that it wasn't being worked on and nothing was being installed. So I went to the head mechanic who told me that they were actually missing an installation disk and couldn't do it today. I asked they why in the world they had me waiting in their lobby for 2 hours and why I had to go hunting around back to determine that nothing was being done. He apologized and said that I should come back in a week when they had the right tools.

A week later I returned and, as someone has already mentioned, they said that it would take 2 hours to install and that I would be charged for 2 hours of work. I asked them what the install process was and whether the mechanic had to be in the car at all times. They said of course not; they just kick it off with a button press and then swap to the next disk (or whatever their equivalent was) part-way through. When I mentioned that meant that the mechanic was working on other cars and therefore they were double-billing clients for labor, he turned a bit red and said that he would work out a discount for me. Still, out the door with software and install it was $250 (originally $400 with "normal" labor and the non-discount price for the software upgrade). Pretty frustrating.
I guess I will start using google maps on my phone going forward I will not pay 400, 250, 150, not eve 60 bucks to get my Maps upgraded on my Z. It should cost about 30 to 40 bucks. As a matter fact it should be free updates that is a 3k upgrade. Crazy
ThAt WaS a CrAzY nIgHt
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