Originally Posted by ZMan8
Hmm, i wonder if there are any differences between 2009 and 2010. I can't say the drone is present too much for me. The worst I ever notice it is if I'm in 5th gear going about 40 mph and try to speed up to 45 or 50 without down shifting..then there is quite a bit of it.
But also Z is my weekend toy with occasional "bring your car to work day  "
Ividia is good as well though  (and cheaper)
It all depends on how you drive and how sensitive you are to drone. With my '09, the drone is pretty noticeable when you're stuck cruising between 65-75mph on the highway in 6th. You'd have to go over 80 to get out of the drone zone which really isn't feasible in VA.
Originally Posted by JungleZ
Dude I'm loving that blue, how's the paint quality?
Me too man.
Paint quality... I think I need to live with it a while longer to see how well it ages. It has lots of flake which do a pretty good job of hiding swirls and other small surface imperfections. My guess is it's the same Nissan paint/clear as always, but I won't really tell until I have it for a while longer.