So, here's what I had to do: I used fishing line and goo-gone fished behind the emblem. I sawed it back and forth slowly working across the emblem.
Things to look out for (learn from my mistakes):
1. If you don't pull the fishing line away from the car, you'll wind up scoring the plastic on the rim of the indention.
2. The four knobs under the emblem are for the alignment, and they make running the fishing line completely across, so I separated the top and bottom, then used a flat tip screwdriver with a small piece of rubber to prevent marring the paint and pried it the rest of the way off.
3. Even using paper towels to clean the spray of the goo-gone (I made the mistake of buying the spraybottle) will scratch the paint. I eventually came to the conclusion that soap and water and a microfiber cloth are the best way to clean overspray.
4. Most people recommend using dental floss for badge removal, which was fine for removing the "370z", but the edges of the hamburger are sharp, and it's difficult to get it behind the badge, so in my experience, it was too thin and continuously broke.
Go forth and good luck.