Originally Posted by Haboob
Had some golf lessons this morning (nice and warm out, I'm drained  ) and am working towards fixing my slice. Made HUGE progress today! Tourney next weekend!
I also almost got pulled over, and I blame the SRM for getting the cops attention. It's habit to throw it into neutral to be quiet and coast, but noooo. SRM said, "5k rev match. GO!"
Just paced the cop and he gave me the Mutumbo finger wag that I posted about on FB. I couldn't help but smile and laugh after that. That's the one thing I don't like about SRM. I'll just have to learn to not throw it in neutral... in the end, it's my fault.

on golf lessons
That's why I don't really use SRM anymore. When I bought the car I thought it would be awesome (and it is - but only in certain circumstances that aren't common to DD). My wife hated it and turned it off when it was her DD. I found that, while useful in traffic, it was more annoyance fighting the rev match. Now that it's my DD, I find myself very rarely using it except when I want to be lazy on my downshifts or not worry about my rusty heel-toe in racing applications (none of which happen very often as I try to stay out of traffic, I almost never limit brake in this car, and I would prefer to unrust my heel-toe racing skills even if I do push it like that).
Oh and I
LOVE the Mutumbo finger wag reference
Originally Posted by b15
If youre in neutral the SRM wouldn't blip it.....unless you had the shifter near one of the gate sensors. I do this all the time too and never have issues with a blip unless I slightly lean the shifter towards a gate.
If you're in 4th or 6th gear it will always rev when you move the shift knob out of gear - how much just depends on where the RPMs are when you put the clutch in. But then if you start to move it even remotely towards another gate, it will try to rev match again (i.e. 6th gear out of gear might not rev much to match 5th gear but then if you let the shift knob go back to neutral position, it will rev match again for 4th or even 3rd gear). I enjoy coasting in neutral to slow down from 6th when I come up on a highway stop light (neutral as soon as the light turns red way up ahead then shift to whatever gear needed as the light turns greens). SRM messes this up big time.
Originally Posted by Haboob
If I'm in gear and put it in neutral it will always blip. If I hit a gate, it will blip again.
I have to turn SRM off to get no throttle blip.
It depends on the gate and the RPMs you were in prior to going into neutral, but generally speaking, yes, this happens.
That's what I do