Originally Posted by JARblue
That's nice, Mr. Ken  I remember a few days before my dad was planning to donate his CRV (for tax reasons), I got hit in my Explorer when a guy on the inside turn lane took his turn wide and hit my passenger door. Turns out it was University of Texas graduation weekend and the guy was from out of town and didn't realize two lanes turned (I did come up on him as the light turned green so I completely understand). He was extremely pleasant and apologetic, and I was very glad to be in the position I was. I called my dad on the spot, explained the situation, and asked if I could just trade cars with him so none of us would have to worry about fixing the Explorer. He was perfectly receptive to my proposition, and the guy who hit me was totally surprised 
that sounds great, mr. jar!

i bet the guy was like 'ummm ...are you going to kill me now?'