Some supporting mods can be a must and some can be held out on but be ready.
Spark Plugs: It was said it can run on stock plugs. But one step colder is your best bet. Helps reduce temps which aids with pre detonation. $160-$180.
Clutch: The kit can push some good number and pending that along with how many miles are on the car now and you have treated so far. The stock can handle a good bit. In due time the day will come. So with a clutch and HD CSC about $1200-$2000.
Oil Cooler: Should already have one if not get it. 34R $700
Others can be radiator, shroud, fans, boost controller, and A/F gauge. Just depends on how serious, how much, and how hard you going to drive. And if you don't already have a good exhaust.
Last edited by SPOHN; 04-25-2013 at 11:21 PM.