Originally Posted by chknhawk
Sorry I am checking in late... but not being able to weld steel and aluminum together is not entirely true. Although it might be expensive as hell there is a way. Developed by honda called friction stir welding.
here is the link friction Stir Welding. And great blog/post on your car. I just spent the better part of my afternoon reading your whole log. Nice work and I think it is really cool that you have so much backing from sponsors in the community. I am working on my first track/autox season at the moment. Been around cars and races all my life but never got the opportunity to try it. We will see how it goes. Thanks for all the info though!
oh.. and if your going to buy that porsche up there .. you might as well just get a GTR. Cheaper and faster.
Taking the thread off track abit. Friction Stir Welding is old news. Been doing that since the '70's, with aluminum since the '90's. The company I used to work for, Elliott TurboMachinery. I help in developing TIG welding aluminum to steel overlay.