Originally Posted by JARblue
Not if you order it online from a vendor out of state...
Currently, there is legislation being proposed that allows vendors to charge tax on any online sales. This will screw over small businesses and individual consumers alike. In addition, individuals will be subject to auditors from out of state  Ridiculous: the kind of $hit that goes on in Congress 
Yeah it's called Use Tax and most states already enforce it. Basically on the state tax return they ask you to provide the amount you have purchased out of state and then how much tax you paid on that amount (if 0 tax paid, you will owe to the state)
While still not yet tracked too much, if the state govt wants to audit amazon, and other online vendors, they will see who the sales were made to and then ask if taxes were paid, if they were not, the State can hold you liable for taxes+interest for late taxes+ penalty for not showing it on the tax return.
In Illinois the use tax went into effect 2011, but most professionals think it will not be enforced until 2015.