Originally Posted by kenchan
here's how i check my tracking...
drive to my predetermined flat road. (minimal crown of road, no strong cross winds).
1. point car to go straight say 30-35mph. ideally your steering wheel would be pointing noon, but nothing to cry about if it isnt perfectly straight.
2. turn steering wheel slightly counter clockwise, then let go. if the car continues its path towards the left this is good.
3. then, center car, do the same but this time turn slighty clockwise, then let go. the car should continue its path towards the right. this is also good.
this means your toe angles are even and pretty much straight.
My previous car had the wheels aligned perfectly, it tracked like an arrow. The steering wheel was about 15 degrees off clockwise though. I took it to the dealer and mentioned it, they thought I was nuts till they checked it. It was a Ford Fusion Hybrid, with only had 500 miles on it. It was my work car. After they aligned it with the steering wheel centered like it should be, all was well.