Originally Posted by Zoren 370
Great!!! Do I need to get the Longacre Racing bottle or you have one too?
What would be a good weekend day for a DIY in your place?
Not this weekend though I do have work.
Come on dude, of course I got a bleed bottle.. I call it Water Bottle w/ 2 Clear Lines in to the Cap System
Originally Posted by MX52Z
Anytime brother, can't wait to meet you, anyone that does his own work is a hero to me.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Did you get the fuel starve set up? If a batch gets made again I need to get one ASAP. Last time I drove I hit fuel starve with only like 3 dots missing. Guess im corning to hard  Horrible flaw with this car.
I was on the phone with CJM this morning Charles said for my set up a return system may be more beneficial. You should give him a call 331-442-6780, good people.
Originally Posted by Huck
Mr, is it when you take a left turn? I've taken right turns at 80+ sharp enough to lose grip and I've never had fuel starve.
Robs running a twin turbo, way more fuel flow with our shitty swirl canister causing starvation.. The dual pick ups on the CJM combined with the return kit would fix that problem.

When you add the cost up it may be cheaper to just get there replacement pump assembly. High quality anodized aluminum.. Bad A$$ !!! My system wont have enough balls to benefit from it..