Originally Posted by danelonson
Yes this could be true, the computer is probably forcing the tranny into 1st before coming to a complete stop. I would say that my car does this between 5-2 mph.
With the way other people around where I commute drive, it's hard for me to drive the Z the way it's designed to be driven. People here start applying their brakes 1/4 mi from a light with only a few cars in between. It's aggravating. The main reason is that I drive a standard and don't like having to creep the car anywhere. And the inching forward at red lights kills me.
Sorry, back on point: I generally don't believe the Z was designed to hit 5mph or less for long rolls. Nissan does their AT well in other cars. This one just has a higher gear ratio for supporting harder acceleration. With moderate braking, you can stop the Z very smoothly. I just had to re-learn how to gauge how 10 other cars are going to stop to avoid being right up on one while they unnecessarily rub off their brake pads. This gives me a little more room to brake a little harder than gentle when stopping behind them.