Originally Posted by Haboob
What's this thread for now? We have FB.
Originally Posted by Haboob
Well, that's expected for a majority of that over 30 crowd.
 Just kidding.
I honestly don't know why I really have it. I only talk about sports and cars. 
I had FB and G+ but deleted both of them when you could still actually delete the account (now you can't even create a new gmail account without agreeing to create G+ account

I deleted FB when people I knew in middle school and high school who were complete a$$holes to me and/or friends of mine started requesting to be my friend. I was like, we hated each other, wtf is wrong with you. If you're going to make amends for $hit you did as a kid (I'm not one to hold a grudge unless it's very well deserved), you better do it in person if you want any credit. Not that any of them ever said anything about the ridiculous way they acted when we last interacted. No thank you - I will go away now.