Originally Posted by dc3843
So, the two complains I have with my car are #1, the rear wheel offset they're too far back and not flush. I'm working on finding a set of wheels to replace the stockers. #2, is that the stock shifter is kind of spongy. So what short shifter does everyone recommend? I see that b&m makes one, and there was a group buy for shifters on this forum, butnim don't know which to go after. Also, if anyone knows of a good installer in Houston please let me know! Thanks!
I got a Hebi Bebi Replica knob from Grafixpressions and it made the shifter feel a million times better. I think a lot of people on the forum who have changed their knobs can agree that a weighted shift knob really makes the shifts fell so much better on the car.
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For the offsets of the wheels, a lot of people do a quick fix for the OEM wheels and just use spacers. Depending if you have sport or Base model, most people are doing 20 and 25mm spacers