well, the the Brek HFC come with 2 bungs on each bank. One for stock which is after CAT and another one is before CAT. Brek put two bolts close those two before CAT O2 bung.
I opened the driver side bolt and put my innovate O2 sensor into there.
Both stock sensors are reinstalled in to after CAT bungs. (which means the driver side HFC has 2 O2 sensor in there and Passenger side only has one)
The bung before CAT is very short. Innovate's O2 sensor is very deep in the pipe. Will that extra resistence of exhaust flow cause my problem?
Forgot to mention, the discrepancy between B1 and B2 is only shown in close loop. Under WOT both banks produce the same A/F. the reading on Innovate gauge in the Bank2 (Leaner side) is absolutely normal.
Last edited by gsg740; 04-19-2013 at 11:43 AM.