Originally Posted by JARblue
Things seem to be recovering... I didn't take any medicine this morning, so I hope that doesn't come back to bite me later today. It's nasty and rainy today, and I am continuing the four months of accounting I started last night. To be fair to you real accountants, it's really just bookkeeping 

on the health front

: on the bookkeeping I got out of public accounting, but when I was in it, It was 0 bookeeping. Now I work in industry (private accounting) and my work is maybe 20% bookkeeping and the rest is creating budgets, analyzing financial performance, and closing books/creating financial statements. so there will usually be a little bookkeeping involved.
Originally Posted by JARblue
On the accounting note, my wife has purchased her final review materials and scheduled another CPA exam for May 10th (Regulation this time).
I'm waiting for my license for a month now

passed everything, got my cpa certificate, but not yet licensed so I can't actually tell anybody I
m a CPA
Wish your wife luck, reg is a tough one.