Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
I don't think I've seen any of the movies you guys are talking about. I did just watch The Godfather like a week or two ago.
Ah, there's another one, haven't seen any of those 3. But I have seen Mafia, and it's hilarious.
Originally Posted by aniceh
I'm not gonna give you flak, but I would recommend you watch "A Clockwork Orange." Kubrick's style is very interesting, and it's a good story. Before you watch it, though, I would recommend you read the novel by Anthony Burgess, and get an edition that has the final chapter in it - apparently, it was removed for the American market, and it completely changes the mood of the story.
I like the first 30 mins of Full Metal Jacket, the rest of the movie is worthless. But yeah, I'm not the read the book, then watch the movie sort. That's what I watch the movie for!
Originally Posted by aniceh
It's an age thing, to some degree. I've got damn near 10 years on Chris, and a good bit more than that on you, I think. Many of those movies I remember from when they were new.
It's fine, I grant that most people have seen more movies from that time period than me. But I bet I have at least 50 movies in my collection that you havent seen either. So it's a balanced boat.