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Old 04-17-2013, 12:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
Nick@Adams Sponsor
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Default Paint correction: 1966 Chevelle SS 396

Another GORGEOUS care completed by Chase!

This was a VERY interesting client. He came to me THROUGH a local hotrod builder, but had the builder bring me the car. This Chevelle was actually delivered by the shop owner after he installed a new Vintage Air system in it. The car was actually built by another shop in Tennessee, but the client just moved to Alabama. He's been burned in the past, quite badly, so Tim (shop owner here in town, that delivered me the car) are out to win him over. You'll find out if that happened at at the end of this writeup!! For the budget, we were shooting for about 85% correct. Here's how the bomb got built:
ON TO THE PICS!!! Here's how this poor baby arrived

Kicked off the party:

Next step:

During Polishing:

Driver's lower door before:

Driver's lower door after:

Makin' some progress on the trunk:

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