Originally Posted by SurfDog
NAH! not yet anyhow.  Its me.
That is just an "I love me" box the wife put together out of some old USMC stuff laying around the house. I just thought it was worth posting in the spirit of the thread.
Oh! I thought it might have been a brother or someone you knew..Glad to hear that is not the case..
I was just a young man when I was in the Air Force and wanted so badly to get out..now, looking back, it was one of the best times of my life,.,.too stupid at the time to realize that.. My father was a combat wounded vet of WW2 (old army air corps) and he did not want to get out but they dont keep disabled vets on active duty..he wanted me to stay in but i never listened to him...Today i tell my grandson to join the AF get an education and have it paid for...but he doesnt listen to me.. anymore that I listened to my father....
Aint that life!!??