Originally Posted by Huck
Nah, that requires a flasher and a relay, and it was pretty hot outside, so for now it's just on when the headlights come on.
What I would REALLY love to have would be a brake light that has two intensities, normal and bright, just like the brake lights. Then it would be normal when I'm driving (which means pretty visible during the day), and if I hit my brakes it would flash bright/normal/bright/normal/stay bright until I let off the brake. Then (and here's what would make me wet my pants with happiness) when I put it in reverse the fog light would light up BRIGHT WHITE OMGOMGOMG. Tell me that wouldn't look sexy as hell!
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
I like it!

Let me know when you've got that all figured out.