Disclaimer: Please dont go off on a tangent blasting my choice of setup, tires, or the fact that I prefer a slight stretch. I need numbers and facts, not opinions or tastes/likes/dislikes.
I have done a good deal of research for the setup i'll be running. This is the setup
20x10 +15 front
20x11 +15 rear
The tire I need to run up front is a 245.
My choice will be with a 245/30-35/20 Falken 452 as they stretch quite well. Now, what size tire do I go for in the rear to match the stretch up front? I really dont want VDC issues due to different final diameters of the wheel+tire.

My guesstimate would be a 275/30 in the rear, or maybe a 285/25 at most.
- 10 in wide front needs 245 tire
- 11 in wide rear - what tire size do I use to have a similar stretch?
- needs a balanced look, can't be rear meaty while the front is stretched.