Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk
Regarding making a how to guide, I think there is a lot of room for interpretation on how to implement it. I'm really just creating hyperlinks of posts or threads. I think it's too easy to really make a how to guide. I think the only thing I had to think about was how to customize the hyperlinks which I just did each one separately.
Lastly I definitely do not lay claim that I came up with the idea. ...
Then give us your interpretation. If somebody doesn't like it, they can make suggestions or ignore it. This is a not-so-obvious idea/feature that deserves some publicity. It's also something that authors should be encouraged to implement.
It's not how easy it is, it's if it will it help others. I'm guessing that a LOT of ppl on here don't know how to insert a link or how to find the link to a specific post.
And it doesn't have to be your idea - just give credit where credit is due. Although I get the impression that you independently "discovered" this.