Originally Posted by wstar
I've been indexing my journal for a while. Not necessarily all the subtopics, but just quick links to parts installs/reviews from the front page. Link below in sig.
I saw
especially with everything you've done, it helps. I can just go to your front page to find what I'm looking for, or jump to your last if I'm following the thread.
Regarding making a how to guide, I think there is a lot of room for interpretation on how to implement it. I'm really just creating hyperlinks of posts or threads. I think it's too easy to really make a how to guide. I think the only thing I had to think about was how to customize the hyperlinks which I just did each one separately.
Lastly I definitely do not lay claim that I came up with the idea. With journals, we as members really take ownership and want to make the experience of reading through it appealing. Until my Wife builds me a blog site, it's really the only way to organize my progress publicly. I think vendors and their threads take ownership very much the same as we do our journals. Spending just a bit of time laying down the index foundation will help potential buyers, like me find the information we are looking for. I don't like answering the same question over and over. I'm sure it will still happen, maybe less frequently. Updated order lists, group buys, significant updates, pricing, pictures, videos...