Hi MM,
So you say there is a clicking noise heard in the cabin? Go outside raise the hood and see if you hear the noise there? The compressor (motor that pumps the R12 coolant under pressure) should be clicking on and off at regular intervals depending on how cold the ambient temp is - say every minute or so, give or take a minute. If you don't hear the click at the same interval as in the cabin then return to the cabin. Turn your fan speed up and see if the click interval decreases (gets faster) when the fan speed is turned up, could be your fan has something caught in it? Don't know. If the A/C is cooling at least there isn't a coolant leak. Don't know what to make of the click only occurring when the recirculating door is closed. Something could be stuck or hanging from the air control door and getting into the fan motor. Maybe the air door is closer to the blower when it's closed. If you remove your glove box then the air filter is behind the glove box in a little drawer, pull out the drawer and use a flashlight to look down into the blower and see if you see anything in there touching the blower *looks like a hamster wheel on it's side.
Also turn the AC off and leave the system on Auto and see if the click goes away, try to isolate the click to one system, cooling or blowing. Good Luck!
Last edited by Fountainhead; 04-15-2013 at 08:08 PM.