Originally Posted by kenchan
goodam everyone!  not caught up on the posts but just wanted to say 'hi'
pulled out my G this am for a quicky.  have to say this car is so frikken dialed-in it's crazy smooth and fun to drive. QD'ed when i got home.
i might need to get me a pair of sways for my Z too. my G sways very little and feels more like a sports car than the Z at times.
no, not really. 
Originally Posted by Nismo89
 all . A bit chilly out here.

hi niz!!
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Sounds like a great morning! 
Originally Posted by onzedge

seems to be very comfy w that camera in her face Onze

weather very nice here today. Finally. Lol
Dog runs through garage and eyeballs me. He gets yelled at if he gets too close to the Z