Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 just dawned on me. Many of my shots over exposed. I was thinking i should be center weighted off the Z because it is so dark?!
I find shooting a white car just as tricky!
It can depend on the lighting conditions, but I usually set the camera to meter the whole frame when shooting the whole car in a scene. When I'm just shooting a detail part of the car, I use spot metering.
Shooting your car in a scene might be a good time to set up brackets or manually take the shot at -1, 0 and +1 on the exposure meter and see what you like best.
When I tweaked the picture of your car, I actually brought the exposure up, but introduced a little more contrast to the whole shot. If I really wanted to spend more time with it, I could use a graduated filter or the brush to darken the background or lighten the car so it pops more in the shot.