Originally Posted by KiwiNismo
Nice DIY. Great job AK370Z! Very helpful.
Thank you
Originally Posted by frost
Nice panties.

how embarassing!

I just randomly grabbed a rag and didn't even notice I grabbed this. If you really wanna know, I don't even think i wore this more than once as I'm a boxer kinda guy!

Originally Posted by cossie1600
AK, nice write up, but you can actually do this whole job without filling the Motive Bottle at all. I do it to avoid mixing fluid of different kind as I experiment a lot. I do have the same exact setup as you with the Longacre bottle and the Motive bleeder. Here are the steps that will be different.
#1 Once you remove the old fluid like AK said, fill the master cylinder with new fresh fluid.
#2 Put the Motive cap on and pump it to 15psi like AK said. Release the nipples on one caliper. Once you are done with that caliper, go to the front and check the fluid level to make sure it isn't below half. If it isn't, bleed the next caliper the same way as AK's.
#3 After two calipers, you will twist the cap off and fill the reservoir with fresh brake fluid. Repeat step #1 on the remaining two calipers and you should be all set.
#4 Check the fluid level as your final step of course.
I agree with you! I wasted like a full bottle of Motul because I didn't need that all. NEXT time, I'm using your method man. Fill as I go

BTW, do you know where I can buy those plastic (elastic) bleeder nipple covers? Most of mines cracked and dealer gave me this whole crazy info how I have to order this "brake kit" that's $50 and that's how I can buy them
Originally Posted by rhd
Perfect timing AK! - I just put a brand new set of BBK Wilwoods on, just finished tonight, needed to do a bleed job and found your DIY - Thanks a TON!
Dude NO WAY! Love those brakes. LEt me know how you like them. Do you track your car? before I bled my brakes, I was on youtube looking for 370Z specific motive bleeder videos but there were none

. I was forced to watch generic bleeding video. But during jumping from video to video, I stumbled upon a Wildwoods BBK on 370Z video and man those looked sweet!

If my Z ends up being a track car, some kind of BBK will be going on the Z