Originally Posted by wheee!
Not for the 3M, I had it done by the dealer before I picked the car up, so I missed that one. Wish I would have been there though. There were 170km on my car that weren't on the delare delivery invoice
I hate drone.... couldn't live with it myself as I do a lot of long trips in the Z 
Ah gotcha, yeah I will talk to the guys there, if I feel like I'm not comfortable ill just take it home. They did sound like a good shop over the phone, ill be sure to record my mileage and let them know that I have it written down.
I know what you mean about the drone, I am the same way. I just am a little hesitant to hack up the FI exhaust that is all shiny and new. We'll see how it goes. I am hoping once it starts getting hot here that matting I put in will soften up and work even better. Maybe, maybe not.