Originally Posted by Isamu
I am ok, I am missing the wife.. she told me tonight she was.. "thinking" about me the other night. lol
Awww... how sweet
Originally Posted by onzedge
When I am on the road like now and I call Mrs. Dr. onzedge she sometimes tells me she misses me. It's odd though, as sometimes I hear this strange buzzing/vibrating kind of sound in the background when she says it.
Originally Posted by Huck
Lol I come in and we're all talking about wives "remembering" their husbands at night haha. That's what FaceTime is for 
Exactly! I prank called my wife a couple of times using FaceTime to surprise her with live video of various offensive body parts

But she picked up on that pretty quick, and doesn't answer my FaceTime calls any more unless it's legitimate sexy time cause one of us is out of town
Originally Posted by GaleForce
I'm guessing the buzzing is from poor phone lines. When was the last time the phone lines were upgraded? 