Originally Posted by GaleForce
Awesome stuff Jon. 
thanks jason

bro you make me regret that wrap in the back hatch

your car looks so sexy man
Originally Posted by KaienZ34
Don't feel bad, most of the people at car shows here are dumb as a bag of rocks. That's why I don't even bother going to any of them anymore. Plus i'm a bit older than most of the douche nozzles that go. They just piss me off to no end with their "I'm the sh1t" attitude so I say fvck'em.
thats the exact reason i hardly come out to shows....

to much arrogant people.....
id like to put a teaser on my next mod... ill be ordering the evo-r mirrors next next week

my buddy bought my stage 1 zstore covers together with my mirrors so once he gets those ill be getting the evor's one

so while im waiting for my titan cans
i really really like this fog... looks like a vajayjay lol BUT i think it looks like pure sex with the amuse

what do you guys think... plus gold ring burn on the amuse exhaust
