Originally Posted by Pintsize725
JAR, got any contacts that you know of for the wheel repair? I think I might just get fix it and then get them powdercoated.
I can't think of the one that's recommended by guy's on the forum, but it's a nationwide mobile operation, and I know there's a guy in Austin. I looked it up a long time ago, but I have no idea what the company name is anymore.
Originally Posted by kenchan
so is running apps your goal then?  i only use my HU in my Z for stereo purposes so.  and occassionally getting a call from my wife during the weekend drive asking if i am low on diet pepsi stock or not. 
No necessarily apps, but I absolutely want GPS to display on the head unit (whether built-in or app or whatever - I'd rather not use my phone but not a deal breaker), and I absolutely want music or movie to continue playing while utilizing the GPS (multi-tasking).
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
I'm going to try plasti-dip with pearlizer first I guess. I guess Alcheng was right. 
So no black? Or is the pearlizer used with black plastidip, too? I have Krylon Fusion Satin Black can ready and waiting.
Originally Posted by kenchan
thanks.  the issue is i think i need to plug in the HDMI cable too with the droid which is kind of a pita. i like to keep my phone in my pocket as much as possible, and only pull out when i need nav feature. 
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of having to plug my phone into my car - I pretty much only plug it in when it needs charging. But that being said, it's not a deal breaker if I can plug it in an get lots more features/ability out of the HU.