The Good
The weather here was getting colder by day so I thought why not change the oil. This is the 2nd oil change. First one was done at approximately 36xx miles (I believe).
As usual, I bought the filter from K&N. I don't know if it's promotional offer or no, but the filter was on sale with FREE shipping! That was a good deal IMO because I only paid $11.70 shipped to my door step.
The magnetic drain plug did it's job wonderfully. I saw tiny metal fragments (shavings) stuck on the drain plug magnet.
I was NOT able to cut the oil filter to see the inside but I'm sure the FilterMag trapped the metal fragments to itself. Maybe I should look into buying a oil filter cutter?
The Bad
I was told by the BlackStone laboratory to drive the car on the highway for about 20 minutes to bring the oil temp up for the oil sample (for oil analysis). I take the plastic shred off and go out driving. I come back after 15-20 minutes. I have everything ready to go. Please note that I only had about 3-4 hours of sleep. For some crazy reason, I forgot that I have Magnetic drain plug. So, I'm loosening the drain bolt and on the last turn, I'm hoping the bolt will fall down in the catch pan(failed to realize the bolt is magnetic). But since it's magnetic, it got stuck at a weird angle sending oil ALL OVER MY BRAND NEW DRIVEWAY CONCRETE!

At this point, I try to move the bolt with my hand and hot scolding oil almost burned my hands!
If you have the magnetic drain plug, MAKE SURE you physically remove the bolt with your hand on the last turn or else it'll get stuck by the opening, sending oil all over the place. (0h and sleep well

the night before)
The Ugly
Okay that's my brand new driveway. I need those stains off immediately. What can I use? Any suggestions?
I am sending them a TBN sample (even though they don't need one as per instructions) because I just don't know how they can calculate the active additives if they don't have a fresh sample to begin with.
Overall, everything was just as expected. NO leaks or problems whatsoever. I just wait for the analysis report now.