so i did more tests with the ASWC and 2500BT on my dd which is a honda, but shouldn't matter since the wired remote and the BT part is no different than 5500BH, 4500BT.
1. i could not use google nav (off my droid) to sound the directions through the BT to car speakers while audio (FM, MP3, DVD, etc) is playing.
2. i tried using steering controls while im in the pioneer's setup mode (like EQ setup, display setting ,etc) the ASWC freezes and no longer works until the car is restarted. which i thought was a pita
since ive never had this issue using PAC. like my Z runs PAC with the 4500BT, and it has no issue skipping tracks, volume control while im in setup mode in the 4500BT.
as for nav, i use a nuvi in my Z which also works as my obd2 gauge, so it's no issue.
not sure wat i need to do with my dd though...hummm... was hoping i can get the audio directions off google nav while MP3 was playing. if i enable BT audio streaming, the phone battery dies pretty quickly if not in the cradle, so that's kind of a pita to have to place in the cradle each time i get in the car.
but anyway, my 2500BT and 4500BT were cheap and sounds good so im okay with it for now.