Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 looks like you had a good day yesterday. Are you going to pst pics or did you already and i missed them?
The only things I have to post were the BTS shots I Instagrammed. I think you already saw them on Fb.
I was playing assistant to local photographer whose work I've been admiring for quite some time. She had hair and makeup on set already, but I ended up getting my hands dirty there as well as the usual holding reflectors and positioning lights... especially when we did the outside shots. We actually worked really well together and she appreciated the extra set of eyes. In between outfits, she shared some of her PhotoShop tricks with me.
It was a great day because I had an assload of fun and learned quite a bit.
Here's Elena's BTS blog from the day:
If you look at the pics, it looks like all I did was social network all day