Originally Posted by Isamu
incase anyone was curious, I am still alive :0

yes Mu! We see you!! And we are happy all is well, for now!

but wait till that little spoiled north korean leader gets to you . Uh huh. Then theres gunna be big trouble for little man.
Originally Posted by Haboob
I guess you know you're getting old when it's 9:40 on a Sat. and you're fighting to stay awake. 

yepp. Me too
Originally Posted by Nismo89
nice kinda getaway from the cold reality that you have a cousin that will be dead because of cancer upstairs, in less than 3 weeks...... watching Mecum kinda lets the mind drift.

i wondered how Uncle Joey was doing but didn't want to bring it up. Figured you would talk about it when ready...i am thinking of him and you guys.
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Still alive here too.

looks like you had a good day yesterday. Are you going to pst pics or did you already and i missed them?
good morning Z family!!