Originally Posted by RSZED
With Greddy or GTHaus you won't make the same amount of power you will with amuse or the E370z (specially in the sound Dept Loudness+power+unique sound= better exhaust.) trust me ive had different exhaust for G35 to 37's and Greddy as far as quality is good but the power gains are very low. GTHaus is more for sound but their exhaust won't deliver as far as quality nor dyno numbers either. The fellas back at NAGTROC GTR forum have had complained about GThaus having welding issues specially with their titanium products, and as far as i'm concerned, if they can't make quality products for a GTR or an M5 what will you expect with the 370z?? 
As far as the Greddy goes, it is actually designed to go with their TT kit. I would not use it on a NA Z. I have no experience w/ GTHaus, but I probably wouldn't even look in their direction based off of some of the videos that I checked on YouTube. To me there are only a couple choices, for NA applications of course. F.I. TDX (1), AAM (not so close 2), and Motordyne (3). I was one of the first to order a BERK and traded with another member for F.I. There is a bunch of crap out there and people seem to put it on their car and rock it like it is some pimpness. I suggest that anyone watch videos until they see AND hear what they like, then go check it out in person if you can.
Originally Posted by Tiny Tokes
Geez .... Doesn't seem to be a clear leader on the board...
I wonder who that could be, lol.........