Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
I'm sorry your husband is backing out. It makes the drive to and fro longer. You will not have any mech issues. It's a Datsun for gods sake.
David A Negrey uses a
Optrix XD Camera case
I am sure it is suitable. Ask to make sure.
That did look like fun. I may start auto crossing myself. I did it once. I loved it. It is all the standing around I can't tolerate.
Riding with Dave was a blast.
My very first ride was with the president of the club in his 300zx, wth Hankooks (?), hevily modded. He showed me where the emergency brake was and told me if I touched it he would break my hand! LOL! I was like

and he took off. I was car sick afterwards, but what a blast!! over in 46 seconds or something crazy! exhilarating!
The standing around is for BSing and trash talking. surely you can do that

You talk to the camera, LOL!!

Danegrey sent me a link to what he has. It is Optrix. I ordered it last night along with some Adams products for my exhaust tips...have't heard back from the track registration peeps yet. thinking I may call them today.
and yeah-I KNOW it's a datsun...but mechanical things break. even the best ones! LOL! as long is it is not a boat I should be good to go! (boats always break when I am on them).