Originally Posted by DR_
The Akebono are VERY good for OEM calipers. Really the only reason to get something besides Akebono is to get a lighter monoblock caliper.

Literally the only good reason to "upgrade" from the Sport BBK
Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
I wouldn't cheap out on something designed to stop your car at high speeds...
With that being said, go with the Akebonos.

don't cheap out with a no name like KSport
Originally Posted by axmea?
simple idea that's within the budget:
1 - New high quality pads plus braided brake lines. No need to spend on a new set of calipers and rotors. You should notice improvement.
2 - Call out forum bros who want to dispose of their low mileage sport calipers and rotors and you just get upgraded pads and braided lines.

OP, you want better looking CALIPERS or just cooler discs
Originally Posted by Huck
See this is more along the lines of what I was talking about. I'll still need calipers, but I figure that if I'm getting 20" wheels I'd want a bigger rotor to fill the wheel area. I can worry about calipers later when someone sells them used on here. Or find a wrecked 370 sport lol.
Z1 370Z / G37 Brake Upgrade Package (Non-Sport Models)
The upgrade kit you posted is what axmea? is talking about in number 1
But since you said you want larger, what you want to do is hit up CZP or Z1 for their BBK, it's the cheapest and pound for pound the best